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2 risks that demand medical evaluation after a high-speed crash


People who have just been in a car crash often have obvious injuries. They may not even be able to exit the vehicle because they have a broken leg or a spinal cord injury. Others may have injuries that don’t have immediate symptoms and are therefore easier to ignore.

Sometimes, people with life-altering or even life-threatening injuries will leave the scene of a crash and go on with their day without ever seeing a medical professional. They put themselves at risk of missing the early warning signs of serious injuries and of having an uphill battle when it comes to getting insurance coverage for those injuries.

Especially if the collision occurs on a higher-speed road, a medical evaluation after a crash can help rule out two serious and dangerous injuries.

Internal bleeding

There is a condition, known as seat belt syndrome, which involves intestinal bleeding caused by seat belts in a car crash. The very restraints that saved your life by keeping you in your vehicle could cause massive internal blood loss.

A seat belt isn’t the only source of internal bleeding in the torso. Hitting the steering wheel or the frame of the vehicle could also cause internal bleeding. If you don’t receive a timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment, internal bleeding in the abdomen or chest can have catastrophic medical consequences and can sometimes prove fatal.

Traumatic brain injuries

Technically, traumatic brain injuries are another form of internal bleeding. Bleeding on the brain itself or inside the skull can cause pressure on the brain. Not only is there the possibility of blood loss causing major symptoms, but the injury to and pressure on the brain may lead to concerning symptoms.

Some people with brain injuries eventually require life support. The possible symptoms of a brain injury range from memory loss and balance issues to changes in personality and problems with motor function.

The longer brain injuries or internal bleeding go without a diagnosis, the worst the condition may become. Seeing a doctor as soon as possible after a motor vehicle collision could get you the right diagnosis and will help you make an insurance claim to cover any treatment costs from the crash.

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